Total Genie ESB (Genie) (Nitro)

Horse & Dragon

ESB | 4.7% ABV


Total Genie ESB is reminiscent of warm Colorado summer evenings where the ales we enjoy are as treasured as the friends we share them with. This drinkable style of English pub ale was envisioned using a new variety of barley developed by Limagrain in Colorado – Genie barley. Our brewer was attempting to produce an American version of the traditional malt-forward ESB by ensuring a purposeful hop presence across the senses. The U.K. hops meld seamlessly with the rich malt profile containing three types of caramel malts.
A very sessionable example of the ESB style with a slight hop twist to keep us enticed, the Total Genie ESB complements any pub session or meal, delivering a refreshing, flavorful experience!

Contact information

Horse & Dragon

124 Racquette Drive
Fort Collins, Colorado 80524

Phone: 970-631-8038