Kilkenny Irish Red Nitro

Guinness Brewery

| 4.3% ABV


Kilkenny is a nitrogenated Irish cream ale from the makers of Guinness, which originated inKilkenny, Ireland. The brand is managed and produced by Diageo. It is available in draught and cans. It is brewed in Ireland and its heritage dates back to the 14th century.
Kilkenny is similar to Smithwick’s Draught; however, has less hop finish and it has a nitrogenated cream head similar to Guinness. The ‘Kilkenny’ name was originally used during the 1980s and 1990s to market a stronger version of Smithwick’s for the European and Canadian market due to difficulty in pronunciation of the word ‘Smithwick’s’. It now refers to a similar yet distinct beer.

Contact information

Guinness Brewery

St James's Gate
Dublin 3, Ireland

Phone: +353 1 408 4800