Super Session #2

Super Session #2

This beer has a lot of hype behind it. In the front it’s light and floral, but as you swallow and let it develop there are big, peppery, lemony, citrusy, earthy hop flavors in just enough balance to not be too bold.
Hop Slice Session

Hop Slice Session

A trio of hops come together in this crisp session IPA. Brewed with Meyer lemon, Hop Slice balances floral hop notes and a subtle citrus kick.
Belma Session IPA (Nitro)

Belma Session IPA (Nitro)

Linsey’s been playing with hops again… and the result is this aromatic and delicious, lemon-colored session IPA. Belma hops, a fairly new varietal out of the Yakima Valley, were the primary hop used in this beer, along with just a touch of Willamette. The...