Spaten Brewery Munich
Beers currently on tap
1522-1807: Spaten thrives under three century-long dynasties:
1522-1622 Starnberger family
1622-1704 Spatt family, who give the brewery its present name.
1704-1807 Siessmayr family
1807: Gabriel Sedlmayr, master brewer to the royal court of Bavaria, acquires the Spaten Brewery, at that time the smallest brewery in Munich.
1817: Filserbräu Cellar is purchased. Later it will become the Spaten Cellar in Bayerstrasse.
1839: Following the death of Gabriel Sedlmayr the Elder, his sons Gabriel and Joseph take charge of the brewery.
1842: Joseph Sedlmayr buys the Leist Brewery and withdraws from his partnership in Spaten.
1851: The Marsstrasse property with Silberbauer Cellar is purchased and gradually expanded with the addition of adjoining lots. The entire brewery moves to Marsstrasse within three years.
1861: Joseph Sedlmayr, owner of the Leist Brewery (probably founded in the 15th century) and son of Spaten’s Gabriel Sedlmayr the Elder, buys out August Deiglmayr, with whom he has been running the Franziskaner Brewery since 1858.
1867: Spaten is now the largest brewery in Munich, a position it maintains until the 1890s. It is the only German brewery to receive a gold medal for beer at the Paris World Exhibition.
1874: Johann, Carl and Anton Sedlmayr assume control of the brewery from their father Gabriel.
1884: The graphic artist Otto Hupp designs the company emblem still used today.
1891: Spaten establishes a subsidiary in London.
1894: Spaten is the first Munich brewery to brew a light lager using the Pilsner method: Spaten Münchner Hell. It is intended for export to northern Germany.
1895: Once again, Spaten is the first Munich brewery to launch its light lager on the Munich market.
Other breweries follow suit.
1909: Regular exportation of Spaten beer to America begins.
1911: Heinrich and Fritz Sedlmayr, sons of Anton and Carl Sedlmayr respectively, become partners in the brewery’s management.
1922: The Spaten Brewery and Franziskaner-Leist Brewery, both owned by the Sedlmayr family, merge to form a joint-stock company, ‘Gabriel and Joseph Sedlmayr Spaten-Franziskaner-Leistbräu AG’.
In the same year a pooling agreement is drawn up with Löwenbräu.
1924: Spaten’s advertising slogan is born: ‘Lass Dir raten, trinke Spaten’, a rhyming jingle roughly translatable as ‘Take my advice, drink Spaten’.
Two years later Spaten’s ‘Heilbier’ beer (called ‘Vollmalz’ from 1941) enters the market.
1943: The Spaten Brewery is heavily damaged by Allied bombing raids on Munich.
1950: Exportation resumes to other European countries and oversees.
1964: Spaten launches its first weiss beer at the Oktoberfest: ‘Champagner Weisse’.
1992: Spaten breaks the one-million hectolitre barrier (26.4 million gallons).
1997: Spaten celebrates its 600th anniversary.
Spaten and Löwenbräu merge.
2000: Spaten goes online. Open-mindedness to new technologies has a long tradition at Spaten: as early as 1821 Spaten lent its financial support to erect the first steam engine in Bavaria, and in 2001-02: 1873 it promoted the invention of the first continuously operational refrigerator by Carl Linde.
Precisely 100 years after the first German Antarctic expedition, the Spaten brewery is sponsoring a new scientific expedition to the 7th continent. The main focuses of the Medantarktika are tests and the trial of so-called telemedicine under extreme conditions.
Contact information
Spaten Brewery Munich
Marsstrasse 46+48
Phone: +49 (0)89 - 5200 0