pFriem Family Brewers
Hood River, OR
Beers currently on tap
Josh Pfriem had been on this career path his entire adult life — soaking up brewing knowledge, devouring literature, concocting experimental varietals in his shed, biking across Belgium, professionally brewing, and knocking on the doors and picking the brains of some of the greatest brewers in the world.
A year-and-a-half and thousands of hours of hard work later, in August 2012, pFriem Family Brewers opened its doors for the first time, and the three founders realized the beginning of their unique dream. If things do happen for a reason, then what better reason than to champion family, community and create one of the world’s best Premium Craft Beers to be enjoyed by all who love them? We can’t think of one.
Contact information
pFriem Family Brewers
707 Portway Ave #101
Hood River, OR 97031
Phone: (541) 321-0490