
Culver City, California

Beers currently on tap


Beyond Beer, Beyond Seltzer,
Lies Something JIANT

Drinking alcohol is a choice so why not drink something that is made from junk-free ingredients, sustainably produced, and tastes amazing? That’s why co-founders and lifelong friends Larry & Aaron quit their corporate jobs to create Jiant. After experimenting in their home kitchen, combining freshly brewed tea with real fruit and botanicals, they found their answer.

What’s In The Can Is On The Can


Low sugar, gluten-free, and no fake stuff – ever.

Real Ingredients

Crafted with 100% fruit & botanicals, and 0% artificial sweeteners, preservatives, or flavorings.


Climate Neutral Certified with sustainably sourced ingredients & plastic-free packaging.

Contact information


3820 Willat Ave
Culver City, California 90232

Phone: (424) 571-3573
Website: https://www.drinkjiant.com/