Guinness Brewery
Dublin 3, Ireland
Beers currently on tap
Guinness Dry Stout (Nitro) (20 oz.)
Harp Premium
1752 – Arthur Guinness is left £100 in the will of Archbishop Price. Three years later he sets up business as a brewer in Leixlip, County Kildare.
1757 – Construction begins on the Grand Canal at James’s Street, Dublin, allowing access by water to Shannon Harbour and Limerick.
1759 – Arthur Guinness signs a 9,000 year lease on a disused brewery at St. James’s Gate, Dublin for an initial £100 and an annual rent of £45.
1769 – The first export shipment of six-and-a-half barrels of Guinness beer leaves Dublin on a sailing vessel bound for England.
1799 – The last Dublin Ale is brewed at the brewery of Arthur Guinness – and the decision is made to concentrate solely on the production of porter.
1801 – West Indies Porter – a precursor to modern day GUINNESS® Foreign Extra Stout – is first brewed.
1803 – Arthur Guinness dies and his son, Arthur Guinness II, takes over ownership and management of the Brewery.
1830s – Output at the St. James’s Gate brewery exceeds that of Beamish in Cork.
1850 – Sir Benjamin Lee Guinness, son of Arthur Guinness II, takes over the Brewery on the death of his father.
1868 – Sir Benjamin Lee Guinness dies and his son Edward Cecil takes over the Brewery. Under Edward Cecil, the size of the Brewery doubles.
1886 – The Guinness brewery becomes the first major brewery to be incorporated as a public company on the London Stock Exchange. It is the largest brewery in the world with an annual production of 1.2 million barrels.
Contact information
Guinness Brewery
St James's Gate
Dublin 3, Ireland
Phone: +353 1 408 4800