Downeast Cider House

East Boston, MA

Beers currently on tap




downeast cider house was founded by ross brockman and tyler mosher during their senior year of college. after a considerable amount of time spent on the family orchard, an affinity for farm-fresh apple products was born. meanwhile, at school, the guys could always be found studying. whether it was deep into a weekend night, weds/thur specials at the local library, or perhaps a casual “sunday fun-day study-day,” the fellas were relentlessly toiling away, focused primarily on the classic works of professor busch and his famous theories on the smooth-cold continuum, copper-top revision.

though neither was a math major, through some additional “studying” they put two and two together and the result was hard cider. sometime later, ross’s older brother matt approached the two and the following conversation took place:

matt: i want to join you guys.
ross/tyler: why would we do that?
matt: i’m going to succeed with or without you, it’d be your loss.
ross/tyler: you’re in.

and so it was set.

Contact information

Downeast Cider House

256 Marginal St, #32
East Boston, MA 02128

Phone: (857) 301-8881