8570 Vichte, Belgium
Beers currently on tap
Duchesse Chocolate Cherry
The brewery Verhaeghe was established in 1875 in the castle-farm in Vichte, West Flanders. Today it’s still a family owned & run company. Their traditional Flemish red ale: Duchesse De Bourgogne 6% abv, Echt Kriekenbier 6.8% abv, Vichtenaar 5.1% abv First one is fermented in oak barrels for 18 months and blended with 8 months old ale before being bottled. Also available in 20L kegs. Vichtenaar is a traditional Flemish red-brown ale also matured in oak barrels for a minimum of 8 months and bottled unblended. Echt Kriekenbier is a cherry ale based on Vichtenaar by adding sour cherries in summer and blending 1, 2 and 3 years old beers before being bottled. Also available in 20L kegs.
Contact information
Sint-Dierikserf 1
8570 Vichte, Belgium
Phone: 32-(0)56 77 70 32
Email: [email protected]