Brooklyn Brewery
Brooklyn, New York
Beers currently on tap
Bel Air Sour
Like our namesake borough, The Brooklyn Brewery is made up of a rich collection of characters from all over the world. In our Williamsburg home, these characters are dedicated to brewing and selling great beer and enriching the communities we serve. Together, these Brooklynites have assembled the skills needed to transform a home brewing hobby into an independent brewery with a brand that has become an international beacon for good beer.
Among our team is Garrett Oliver, a prolific author and James Beard Award-winning brewmaster, and cofounder Steve Hindy, author and beer industry commentator. It’s more than just a collection of relevant résumés. That dapper brewmaster of ours is also a talented chef with an impressive collection of swords and pop culture witticisms, each sharper than the next. Our CEO first honed his sales skills selling metal mixtapes in Cairo as a teenager. Our technical director owns the upstate farm she grew up on, producing maple syrup and growing crops and the hops used in our Greenmarket Wheat. Our Warehouse & Logistics Manager closes his computer each day to go play in a Ween cover band. Our brewing and packaging teams include people who speak English, Arabic, Urdu, Spanish, Mandingo and French; all of them line up during early morning shifts to buy tamales from the back of Maria’s bicycle when she stops in front of the loading dock. We have musicians, actors, writers, crossword enthusiasts, directors, athletes, home chefs and scientists that converge in Williamsburg every day to work on one thing: making Brooklyn Brewery beer delicious, adventurous and available to all.
Starting with our flagship Brooklyn Lager, the portfolio of Brooklyn Brewery has grown to a wide-ranging collection of beers, always keeping an eye to traditional brewing techniques, even as Brewmaster Garrett Oliver and his team seek to push the boundaries of beer. It’s now easy to find a smooth Brooklyn Lager, hoppy Defender IPA, tart Bel Air Sour or roasty Brown Ale in your favorite watering holes. BLAST!, East IPA, Sorachi Ace and Pilsner are standing by on shelves near you, ready to be taken to parties, barbecues or your favorite chair. Each season brings beloved seasonals like Brooklyn Summer Ale and Brooklyn Black Chocolate Stout back to the shelves and taps, ushering in the joys of the changing weather. Big bottles of Local 1 and releases from our barrel-aged lineup are no strangers to restaurants and home-cooked meals alike. Push a little closer to the fringes and you may find yourself enjoying an extremely limited Brewmaster’s Reserve at a handful of bars, encountering a Ghost Bottle released from our barrel aging facility or stumbling upon a Tasting Room-only release from the BB R&D or Worshipful Company of Brewers series. Attend one of our beer dinners or special events and there’s honestly no telling what might come in your next glass, but you can count on it being delicious.