Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough
WeldWerks Brewing
Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough Stout might be our most ambitious #pastrystout yet. Our base Milk Stout, brewed with lactose sugar and tons of chocolate malt, begged to be paired with warm, chewy cookies, so we added over 150 lbs of raw chocolate chip cookie dough directly to the tank (don’t worry, we pasteurized the dough in our mash tun first). Then we finished it off with additional milk chocolate and just a touch of vanilla. While enjoying CCCDS, do not be alarmed if you have a sudden urge to put your beer in the oven, or simply eat it with a spoon.
Contact information
WeldWerks Brewing
508 8th Ave
CO 80631
Phone: (970) 460-6345
Email: [email protected]