Black Butte XXVII

Black Butte XXVII

Our 26th anniversary Imperial Porter was aged in bourbon barrels and dry spiced with Theo Chocolate’s cocoa nibs, revealing hints of vanilla and chocolate. Pomegranate molasses and Oregon cranberries complement the robust flavor with a hint of fruit and just...
Suede Imperial Porter

Suede Imperial Porter

Due to our participation in at least a half a dozen collaborations each year, one might perceive Stone as the craft beer equivalent of a bee flitting indiscriminately from one brewery to the next, all the while drawing precious nectar-the expertise and creativity of...
Imperial Coconut Porter

Imperial Coconut Porter

Our Imperial Coconut Porter is a stronger version of robust porter spiced with all natural toasted coconut. It is black in color and crowned with a creamy, dark tan head. It begins with a malty-toasted-coconut aroma followed by a rich, silky mouthfeel with tastes of...
Senorita Horchata

Senorita Horchata

This beer pours a deep dark brown with a snow-white head. Aroma notes of vanilla, cinnamon, and sweet milk hit the nose bringing up images of the delicious Mexican drink this beer is styled after. The beer hits the palate with vanilla, sweet chocolate malts, and a...