Turkeyfoot Beer Company
Beers currently on tap
Like many craft beer company founders, I began by homebrewing. About ten years ago, I drove past a homebrew supply store and decided to stop in. An employee, who is a friend to this day, graciously answered all my questions regardless of how wild they must have been. I was outfitted with what I needed and went home to brew my first batch on the kitchen stove. The beer turned out well enough, but the mess I created resulted in my eviction from the kitchen by my lovely wife. As a result, I made countless trips to various home improvement retailers and built a brew system for the patio.
Over the years, the brew system along with my recipes were developed, upgraded and improved. During that time numerous Turkeyfoot recipes were entered into homebrew competitions around the country. Some won, some didn’t. The better of those recipes were made time and again consistently and shared with friends and neighbors.
Then, a few years ago, like so many before me, I had the idea of starting a brewery. That idea, for numerous reasons, evolved into a beer company. At Turkeyfoot, my passion for developing beer recipes to share with friends and neighbors continues. Would I like for everyone to try my beer? Of course, more importantly however, is to have make Turkeyfoot the go-to beer for many who find themselves pacing in front of the craft beer cases struggling to decide. By all means; try different craft beers; various styles and various brands. Try them all. But when an easy decision eludes you, I hope you will always feel comfortable relying on the taste and quality of Turkeyfoot.
I welcome your comments and suggestions; positive or negative. And please look for Turkeyfoot at your local beer retailer as well as your favorite restaurant and tap house. I hope to see you soon at a future beer fest.
Turkeyfoot Beer Company