4 Noses Brewing

Broomfield, CO

Beers currently on tap

Pump-Action Pumpkin

Pumpkin Beer


There we were, gathered around the dark pub table, inhaling the rich smell of our dry Guinness beers, all four of our large noses in action. It wasn’t until our close friend observed the sight of our busy schnozzes that we were struck with an idea: to bring our love of and passion for beer to the beautiful town of Broomfield, CO under the brand of our signature feature. Thus, “The Four Noses Brewing Company” was conceived.
And Ireland was just the start. As we traveled around the world meeting other brewers and enjoying a variety of delicious beers, we discovered a passion for crafting our own unique flavors ultimately derived from our common desire to brew the beers we want to drink. These beers will evolve through constant experimentation to create increasingly higher levels of quality blond ales, spicy stouts, dark porters, and hoppy concoctions—most notably our ‘rose’ batches, the Seasonable IPA’s. Borrowing wine barrels from the Four Nose’s involvement in the Napa, California wine industry, our craft also encompasses approachable sours and complex barrel-aged brews.

Contact information

4 Noses Brewing

8855 W 116th Cir #4, Broomfield, CO 80021
Broomfield, CO 80021

Phone: (720) 460-2797
Website: 4nosesbrewing.com/