American Adjunct Lager | 5.0% ABV


Only the finest ingredients are used to brew Banquet. Because we believe a beer is only as good as what goes in it. That’s been true since Adolph Coors brewed the first batch in 1873. All these years later, we wouldn’t have it any other way.
When it comes to brewing, water matters. That’s why ours comes from the Rockies. It starts high in the mountains and flows all the way down to the Golden Brewery, where it becomes Banquet beer.
Up here, the snow covering the peaks of the Rockies naturally melts and gathers minerals as it makes its way down the mountain and ends up being brewed into Banquet beer.
The Clear Creek Watershed was once home base for scores of hopeful gold miners. It’s been our home since Adolph Coors opened the brewery over 140 years ago, and provides the only water we’ll ever use to brew.
We take pride in the quality of our pure Rocky Mountain water. So much that we keep a team of water experts close to the source to make sure every drop is up to snuff. The Golden Brewery is one of the few breweries with a dedicated water team.
In 1936, Adolph Coors II received a gift of Moravian Barley seeds that grow in what is now the Czech Republic. Those seeds were planted in an employee’s personal garden. To this day, all of the barley we use can be linked to that original variety.Located in the foothills of the Rockies, the High Country resembles the Moravia region of the Czech Republic. The elevation is similar, the days are warm, and the nights are cool. This results in the perfect place to grow our barley.
Family has always been the foundation of what we do – and it always will be. We’ve been lucky enough to work with some of the finest families of barley growers for many generations.
Patience and persistence go hand in hand. Our strain of yeast has been in use for decades, and contains a unique personality that helps provide that fruity aroma Banquet has come to be known for.
Adolph’s recipe called for a greater addition of aromatic hops to bittering hops. Our subtle blend of Chinook, Hallertau, Herkules and Taurus hops gives Banquet just the perfect hint of bitterness to offset the malty sweetness

Contact information

Coors Brewing Company

13th Street & Ford Street
Golden, CO 80401

Phone: 1-800-642-6116